





新入荷 女将・仲居 熟女 和服 旅館 HD(ハイビジョン)

仕事一筋に生きてきた働き者の美人女将。でも・・・女将といっても女はオンナ、男に抱かれたい時も有る。そんな時に客から身体を求められたら・・・口ではダメと言っても、身体は素直に男を受け入れてしまう。 / 「こんなおばさんその気にさせてどうするんですか?」女を捨てて仕事を選んだ温泉宿の女将でも客に求められたら拒めずにオンナを武器にしてしまう3


“What do you do with this aunt?" Even if a landlady of a hot spring inn who chose a woman and chose a job, if he was asked by a customer, he would use the woman as a weapon without refusing it.

A beautiful landlady of hard worker who has lived in his job.But … there are times when women want to be embraced by women and men.At that time, if the customer asks for a body … even if it is no good in the mouth, the body will accept a man honestly./ “What do you do with such an aunt?" Even if a landlady of a hot spring inn who chose a woman and chose a job, if he was asked by a customer, he would make the woman a weapon without refusing it.
