
排泄がくる5 高級排泄風俗「排泄堂」見聞録 みさき嬢 うんこ編2









おかげ様で同志の皆様にご好評を頂いている排泄デリバリーヘルス『排泄堂』への潜入取材シリーズ「排泄がくる!」今回指名したのはモチロン人気No.1のみさき。その圧倒的ルックスと客対応に骨抜きにされた訳ではない。我々はうんちが見たくて夜も眠れぬ日々を過ごしているので、仕方なく取材へ赴くのだ。いつ会っても変わらぬ笑顔で迎えてくれるみさき嬢に、69の体勢で顔の前に尻を構えてもらう。こうすると顔におしっこうんこが降り注ぐという算段だ。人気No.1のみさき嬢が現実で行う接客を完全再現。誇張一切なしの本物プレイを画面越しにお届けします。こちらのプレイを楽しみたい方は『排泄堂』までお電話ください。貴方の元にも「排泄がくる!」(排泄屋) ※本編顔出し


Excretion 5 Luxury excretion customs “excretion hall" watching Misaki Miss Unko 2

Thanks to you, the excretion delivery health “excretion hall", which has been well received by comrades, is the most popular Mochiron’s No. 1 Misaki this time.It wasn’t the overwhelming looks and customers.We want to see the poo and spend the days when we can’t sleep at night, so we have to go to the interview.Misaki Misaki, who greets with a smile that does not change whenever she meets, has 69 positions hold her ass in front of her face.In this way, it is the calculation of peeing pours on the face.Completely reproduce the customer service that Misaki Misaki, the most popular, does the customer in reality.We will deliver genuine play without any exaggeration over the screen.If you want to enjoy this play, please call “Excretion hall"."Excretion is coming!" (Excretion shop) * Main story
