
黒人と惹かれ求め合う未亡人 亡き夫の親友と悲しみを埋め合う、禁断の不貞愛。 米倉穂香





美熟女 未亡人 三十路 巨根・デカチン 中出し 黒人男優 母乳 巨乳

KANBi専属女優『米倉 穂香』が熱く激しく求め合う・・・。夫の健司が交通事故で他界してから早数ヶ月。心の傷が癒えぬまま、悲しみに暮れる日々を過ごしていた穂香。そんなある日、数年前同じ学校に勤めていた外国人講師のマイケルと偶然再会。思い出話に花を咲かせると、落ち込んでいた穂香はマイケルの優しさによって徐々に笑顔を取り戻す。心惹かれ合う2人は耐え切れなくなり、思わず口づけを交わす。そして、寂しさを埋めるように激しく身体を重ね合う。初めて味わう異国のチ〇コの虜となった穂香は、幾度となく絶頂を繰り返す・・・。 / 黒人と惹かれ求め合う未亡人 亡き夫の親友と悲しみを埋め合う、禁断の不貞愛。 米倉穂香


A forbidden unfaithful love that fills the sadness with the best friend of the old man who is attracted to the blacks and asks for each other.Hika Yonekura

KANBI exclusive actress “Hoka Yonekura" is hot and intense.It has been a few months since my husband, Kenji, died in a traffic accident.Hika was spending her sadness in sadness without healing her wounds.One day, I happened to meet Michael, a foreign instructor who worked at the same school a few years ago.When the story blooms in the memories, Hoka, who was depressed, gradually regains his smile due to the kindness of Michael.The two who are attracted to each other are unbearable, and they interact with them.Then, the body overlaps violently to fill the loneliness.Hika, who has been captivated by a foreign country for the first time, repeats the climax many times./ Forbidden unfaithful love that fills the sadness with the best friend of the old man who is attracted to black and asks for each other.Hika Yonekura

一种禁忌的不忠爱,充满了与黑人吸引并互相要求的老人最好的朋友的悲伤。Hika Yonekura

Kanbi独家女演员“ Hoka Yonekura”既热又激烈。自从我的丈夫肯吉(Kenji)死于交通事故以来已经有几个月了。希卡(Hika)在悲伤中度过了悲伤,而没有治愈伤口。有一天,我碰巧遇到了几年前在同一所学校工作的外国教练迈克尔。当故事在记忆中绽放时,沮丧的霍卡(Hoka)由于迈克尔的好意而逐渐恢复了他的微笑。彼此吸引的两个人是难以忍受的,他们与他们互动。然后,身体猛烈地重叠以填补孤独感。Hika首次被外国迷住了,他多次重复高潮。/禁止不忠的爱与那个被黑色吸引并互相要求的老人的最好的朋友充满了悲伤。Hika Yonekura
